When you first consider the idea of engaging in the world of open relationships, you’ve reached a milestone. You’re openness and willingness to explore relationship adventures beyond traditional setups is turning point in your life. Again, it’s a milestone. This milestone must be reached by you, and you alone, before you can move forward.
And after that, you’ll find that their are many stages and significant moments that you as an individual, or a couple, will experience while navigating the open relationship world.
We’ll review the more likely and popular open relationship milestones you should expect.
Just like traditional monogamous relationships have their own milestones (e.g., first date, first kiss, moving in together, getting engaged, etc.), open relationships also have unique milestones.
Those milestones reflect the evolution of your non-monogamous adventure. There often exciting to look back on, but also, thrilling to look forward to. They set expectations as much as they create nostalgia.
We’ve created a list of the most popular and most expected open relationship milestones that you and your partner can expect to encounter.
Initial Discussions: The moment when a couple first considers an open relationship. This is where things such as space and transparency begin to show face. It’s a bit step, and maybe the biggest, in pursuing an open relationship status of any kind.
Setting Boundaries and Ground Rules: The process of establishing rules that both partners agree upon. These rules are a tight blend of physical intimacy and emotional limitations and explorations. What can you do with someone and what can’t you do with someone. This milestone is imperative to laying the groundwork of the open relationship. People in open relationships need boundaries and communication.
Introducing a New Partner: One of the biggest, if not most provocative undertakings of an open relationship is formally introducing a new partner into your relationship. It’s what the open relationship is entirely about. And it can be as stressful as it is exciting and fun. The emotions, challenges, and learnings that come with this step can be monumental.
Introducing External Partners to Each Other: A significant step whereas you integrate new people with, well, new people. By this stage, the concept of an open relationship is no longer new, rather, it’s your way of life.
Handling Challenges: Successfully navigating the first major challenge or disagreement that relates to your open relationship. This can revolve around emotional quandaries such as jealousy.
Celebrating Anniversaries: Just like traditional relationships, people in open relationships celebrated anniversaries. Sometimes those anniversaries are unique, such as celebrating the day you both decided to pursue an open relationship status. You may even have anniversaries for the beginnings of a new partner.
All relationships have distinct dynamics that often warrant celebration and remembrance. Open relationships are no different. In fact, open relationships often have more iconic moments to celebrate. Given the fact that open relationships are less traditional, it’s important to celebrate our hard work and successes. Things like anniversaries are a reminder for how far we’ve come.