Modern Dating For Everyone

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At Open Relationship,
We Focus On Two Essential Connection Principles:

Inclusivity and Compassion

Consensual Connections and Mutual Respect


Love Unbound

Think of Open Relationship as the beginning of your dating exploration for broader experiences less bound by traditional expectations. Your unique perspective on dating is a beautiful love story waiting to happen.

You'll find all types of dating persuasions and ambitions at Open Relationship. Let Open Relationship facilitate your next beautiful story.

Infinite Connections

Our inclusive approach to connecting people offers boundless dating quests. People are looking for everything at Open Relationship, but more importantly, you'll find people looking for you.

Your exploration begins when you sign up for our free dating platform. After that, fill out your profile, enter your zip code, and start your fantastic journey.

Free, Inclusive Dating!

At Open Relationship, you can be you, without judgment, free of traditional dating expectations.

Open Relationships and a more inclusive dating perspective continue to increase visibility in the public eye, hence why our Open Relationship dating community grows daily.

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How Attachment Styles Shape Open Relationships

One of the most overlooked aspects of an open relationship is something called “attachment style.” While it’s not a medical diagnosis, attachment style is a widely used concept in psychology that helps us better understand how people form and maintain relationships. And when it comes to open relationships, understanding your attachment style can be a game-changer in […]

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Alex, 32:

Discovering Open Relationship was a revelation! The app's user-friendly interface and innovative features make meeting like-minded people a breeze. Highly recommend for genuine connections beyond traditional norms!


Jamie, 28:

I've met incredible people who have become meaningful parts of my life, all thanks to the diverse and inclusive environment fostered by Open Relationship. If you're looking for genuine connections, this platform is for you.


Taylor, 35:

Open Relationship's vibrant community is a game-changer. Thanks to OR, I've found love, companionship, and a true understanding of openness in love and relationships. I can't recommend Open Relationship enough!


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