Open Relationship and Inclusive Dating Blog

7 Key Benefits of Being in an Open Relationship

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Open relationships are defined as any relationship that features more than two partners. In all cases, an open relationship runs counter to more popular traditional style relationships which are monogamous.

There are many misconceptions regarding open relationships which is mostly hyperbole and myth. Due to this, the vast wide reaching benefits of open relationships are often overlooked.

Today, we’ll discuss 7 key benefits that come with being in an open relationship.

Enhanced Communication Skills

At the top of the list we find that open relationships better develop a couple’s communication skills. At the heart of this is the fact that an open relationship can’t exist without proper, sophisticated levels of communications; whereas, a traditional relationship, like marriage, often does exist under the veil of poor communication.

Open relationship communication features the development of better listening, empathy, and overall expression. And let us not overlook an improvement in intimacy communications.

In order to enter into a open relationship, the first thing that needs to happen is a discussion. Communicating your desire to be in an open relationship sets the table for long-term openness. But there’s also a need for ongoing communication when you’re in an open relationship. And don’t forget, communication often goes beyond your signifigant other(s). Extending communication regarding your open relationship to friends and family is often another level achieved.

Strengthened Trust

The role of trust in any relationship is essential. Sadly, this component often misses in traditional relationships which tend to lead to affairs and eventually, divorce.

An open relationship requires that each partner communicate their needs and desires for one another and others outside the current relationship. This begins the strengthening of trust process.

As you both grow in the open relationship, your trust in one another solidifies more and more. Trust is the centerpiece of non-monogamy while in monogamy it often takes a backseat.

It’s not often intuitive to think that a relationship would strengthen when other partners are introduced. But that’s the case. And it increases trust as a result.

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Open relationships lead partners through a journey of understanding their own needs, desires, and of course, boundaries.

These acts of self-discovery enhance one’s personal worth introspection.

At the core of an open relationship is communicating your boundaries. For most people, they avoid communicating boundaries at work, with family and friends, and even in a local store. People are afraid of offending others, or losing friends, or having to find a new job. An open relationship allows you to realize the value in discovering yourself and this can extend beyond the relationship.

Diverse Emotional and Intimate Experiences

Clearly, open relationships offer a range of emotional and intimate experiences and connections with different partners. Of course, all of this hinges on the boundaries you and your partner(s) have set. But ultimately, to some degree, you’ll experience unique people in a multitude of ways. These experiences contribute to a fuller, more rounded personal life.

Improved Conflict Resolution Skills

The importance of resolving issues constructively are essential in a non-monogamous relationship. Because you and yours set boundaries, discuss intimate desires, and manage emotions such as jealousy, you become more resilient in conflict. You may look more towards solutions than escalation. Improved conflict resolution is a definite attribute of better, more frequent communication. Learning to have hard conversations when things are calm helps you navigate the more tumultuous moments with more clarity.

Flexibility and Adaptability

A prerequisite to an open relationship’s success is your ability to be fluid in variety of situations that you’d prior found uncomfortable, or even, offensive. This increased adaptability in these scenarios improves your resilience in other parts of your life.

Greater Understanding of Love and Relationships

One of the great benefits to an open relationship is that it expands one’s understanding of love. Rather than viewing love as an exact, singular approach, you begin to understand how expansive the emotion truly is. It challenges your previous understandings of societal norms and leads to a deeper personal understanding of what a relationship can be.


When you open your mind and understanding to an open relationship, you begin to embrace a wider perspective of the world that surrounds you. You improve your communication skills, increase your trust between partner(s), and expand your definition of love.